Czech Union of Sport

Czech Union of Sport is the main and largest service sports organization in the Czech Republic.


It was established on 27 April 2013 in the form of a transformation and change of the name of ČSTV. Sports associations with nation-wide competence, sports clubs, as well as their associations, are voluntarily associated in the CUS.


CUS associates over 7 000 sports clubs, 78 national sports associations. Service activities for national sports associations are provided in the Prague headquarters of CUS. Services for regional sports environment are provided by 13 Regional Organizations of CUS, the Prague Sports Union and 75 district associations.


CUS is a civic open, democratic, independent and non-political organization. Entities assocated in the CUS retain the independence of their legal status, assets and activities. CUS is a member of the Czech Olympic Committee and a member of the European Association of Non-Governmental Sport Organizations.


President of CUS is Mr. Miroslav Jansta.



Mission of CUS


The main mission of CUS is to create optimal conditions for sports activities, which are realized in its basic organizational articles, i.e. in sports clubs, physical education units and national sports associations.


CUS provides services to its basic organizational articles and other organizations and institutions within the sports environment of the Czech Republic.


CUS respects the principles of Olympics and represents the interests of its members in its membership in the Czech Olympic Committee.


CUS helps to provide financing of sports activities of its basic organizational elements at all performance, recreational, age and territorial levels.


In its basic organizational articles, CUS organizes, supports and operates all forms of sporting activities.



Main tasks for the nearest period


1. Strengthening the institutional representation of sport at government level (Ministry of Sport).


2. Efforts to double the total amount of funding for sport and participation in the preparation of an efficient and effective system of financing sport.


3. Deepening cooperation with regions, towns and municipalities in the care of sports and physical activities of citizens, in cooperation with them ensure the establishment of a central register of sports infrastructure (sports facilities).
